Schools are feeling the pinch right now. Government spending cuts are biting hard. But school life must go on. Headteachers are facing numerous tough decisions on what to prioritise and what must go. However, in some areas it might not come down to that. Not when schools can get the equipment and supplies they need at better rates.
Take lockers for example. How on earth would a school function without them? Children can’t be expected to cart all their books and games kit around with them all day long. They would collapse under all that weight! But when those school lockers need replacing, will there be enough money in the pot to pay for some new ones?
The team at 3D Locker Solutions understand the financial pressures that schools are under. Which is why they strive to offer schools and colleges the best possible deal on their lockers. Their prices are ultra competitive, but not at the expense of quality or good customer service. It’s the best of both worlds.
Every academy and institution needs to have a stock of good school lockers. So ensuring older ones are replaced means shopping around for the best deal. And that doesn’t have to be time consuming or difficult thanks to 3D Locker Solutions. Customers can browse their website quickly and easily to check out all the different models and deals.
Brand new lockers are competitively priced and reconditioned ones offer even more value for cash strapped schools. Getting the best deals right across the board can really start to add up and save schools money. These are tough times right now. It’s not ideal, but equally this is the financial reality the eduction sector is facing. Getting more for less isn’t easy. But at least by partnering with 3D Locker Solutions schools can take a small step at least to saving money on basic equipment.