Flowers are so often the cause of happiness. Their natural beauty has the tendency to lift the spirits of those who see them. Also, they represent life and fertility and are often associated with spring and the return of pleasant weather.However, floral displays also have the ability to cause controversy.
For example, arguments have broken out in Cheltenham over proposals concerning the decorative items. There are plans for the south-west spa town and borough to enter this year’s Royal Horticultural Show. However, critics have suggested the move would be unwise in light of the council cuts being implemented as a result of the government’s austerity measures, Thisisgloucestershire reports.
The area’s In Bloom members suggest that efforts to take part in the Cheshire contest should be scrapped in favour of putting more time and resources into maintaining local flower beds. But environment bosses claim there is no conflict between the July event, which will be staged in Tatton Park, and the local authority’s work to maintain flowers in Cheltenham itself.Criticising this approach, In Bloom committee member Mary Nelson said the decision is flawed.
Speaking at the group’s annual general meeting, she remarked: “It seems to me that while there are budget cuts going on and we are going to sustainable planting, it is odd we would enter a competition like this.”Those who concur with Ms Nelson argue there are too few council workers to look after the flower beds and be at Tatton Park as well. For example, Chris Ryder stated: “For the few gardens we have to look after, the nursery workers can’t be in two places at once.”
A magnet for florists and flower enthusiasts in general, the Royal Horticultural Show in Cheshire is taking place from July 20th to 24th. Florists and others keen to see the event are advised to buy their tickets in advance to ensure they are not disappointed.