Ever think that no matter what you buy for your wife, she never seems to like it? If you constantly struggle to buy the right gift, even when it comes to something like flowers, here are some tips to help you choose anniversary flowers that your wife will love.
The key to buying the perfect gift is knowing the person you are buying for. Now, you might think that if you’ve been married for years you know your wife really well. You may think that if she liked something once she will like it again. But the problem with this theory is that people—men and women—change all the time. Likes and dislikes change. And variety is the spice of life.Try something different. If you’ve always bought her roses, this year—don’t buy her roses. Try something more unusual. Choose different colours. Maybe some tropical blooms or wild flowers.
Enlist the help of someone else. Even if you really do know your wife well, you can’t know everything about her, and chances are you know different things about her than what her sister or mother knows. Try asking her female friends and relatives what kinds of flowers she likes, and what are her favourite colours. You can even ask what kind of arrangements they think she would most like. Pick up clues. Notice what kinds of flowers she points out, and what colours she mentions liking, even if it’s in a different context. You can even ask her what she likes, but if you want it to be a surprise you need to do this carefully and subtly.
Always remember that the key to buying the perfect gift is knowing the person well. And if you don’t trust yourself to know the person well enough to buy the right gift, you need to get some help. Even if it’s for your wife.