Success for every web enterprise means exposure. We’ve got ten great tips from search engine optimisation specialists that will lead you to the top of the ladder when it comes to search engine ranking.
1.Find The Most Beneficial Keywords And Use Them
This tip is at the top of our list for good reason. Keywords are, of course, those useful words that describe your product or service. As such they are vital when it comes to securing high levels of exposure through Internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Create a list of between 30 and 60 keywords for your site. Think about the people you want to visit your site and what words they’re going to type into a search engine to find you. Look at what the competition’s doing and which keywords are getting them good search engine ranking. This is one of the most important things to consider when you think about website optimisation. Add them to every page on your site if you can. Be sure to include them in headers and the first paragraph.
2.Meta Tags
Use the keyword Meta Tag on every page and add relevant keywords. Meta Tags give information regarding a web page and assist search engines in correctly categorising your pages. They’re inserted into html code on the pages and are invisible to users. SEO specialists advise you to include 10-12 keywords.
3.Web Page Title Tags
Include keywords in your web page title tags. Ideally, every page on your site will feature a title tag of around 40 to 60 characters (including spaces). This title tag is used by search engines to rank your page and is often included in search results. For example, if you deliver specialist catering services for parties in the Knightsbridge area, you might use the title Knightsbridge specialist party catering services. Search engine optimisation services advise on the importance of including keywords in web page title tags and offer just this sort of guidance.
4.New Content
Introduce new content to your site. Yours is a better site if a high volume of quality text appears on it, and search engines monitor text content. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to add new content to your site each week. Make sure, of course, that it’s relevant and interesting, otherwise you risk the quality of your site as a whole. If you’re the specialist catering service for parties in the Knightsbridge area, for example, you might include an article on weird and wonderful party ideas. SEO experts will agree that this is excellent promotion for your business on many levels.
5.Link Building
Be active in encouraging other good sites to link to yours. As well as text content, search engines use links to decide how relevant a site is to a user’s search. A lot of inbound links to your site from other popular sites will tell the search engine that you’re important. You should certainly maximise potential in the area of link building by encouraging affiliated clients, suppliers, colleagues, and even perhaps friends to link to your site. For the best results, ensure that incoming links feature keywords, and don’t neglect to link out to sites which people will find useful.
6.Keyword Links
Add links within your site that include keywords. If your website is rich in useful information, you might try linking within it using keywords. For the specialist catering service for parties in the Knightsbridge area, for example, there might be a special page featuring a list of services offered, which contains a descriptive link (with keywords) to a relevant page.
7.Make a Site Map
It’s a good idea to create a site map that links to all your pages. This will give you an opportunity to feature keywords extensively and thus, of course, improve your ranking with search engines. A good tip is to include a link to this map in your main navigation page, so that it’s easy for users to find it whenever they need to.
We hope these seven lucky tips will guide you on your way to prosperity. As you’ve probably gathered, there are some fairly basic things to keep in mind when promoting your site. Increasing hits is vital, and you need to be aware of the ways in which search engines choose which pages to offer the person browsing the web. Keep in mind links, keywords, tags and content, and you’ll be on your way to getting the exposure your site deserves.
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