Car park barriers are becoming more and more common as businesses aim to make their car parks more secure. Barriers are great for preventing unauthorised parking and protecting your staff and visitors’ vehicles. Giving you complete control over who enters your car park you can be sure it is safe and secure.
The choice of barriers is huge. You may opt for a simple one which detects vehicles approaching and opens automatically. While this doesn’t offer as much security as a barrier that’s manually operated, it does ensure quick and easy entrance and exit for drivers. Automatic barriers are ideal for entering a pay and display car park.
More complex car park barriers may require card access before allowing a vehicle to pass. This is a popular option for staff car parks. Staff are provided with a car park pass which is then used daily to access and exit the car park. Preventing any unauthorised parking, it’s a fairly simple way to monitor your parking spaces.
For total control over your car park an intercom barrier system may be used. With a call button installed visitors must speak to a member of the security team to identify themselves before entrance to the car park is permitted. Although this can slow entrance down, it’s ideal for high security businesses that need to control who enters their car park and buildings. With visitors checked against a visitor log only pre-authorised visitors are granted access. The exit barrier could be a simple automatic barrier for convenient exit by visitors.
Installing barriers is a specialised job. are experts in installing and maintaining car park barriers including rising bollards. They’ll conduct a free onsite survey and work with you to find the best security solution. They’ll also install the barriers themselves so you can be sure of high standard operation.
car park barriers by Visit their website today if you’re looking for rising bollards.